Sarah Palin and Mehdi Hasan were at each other’s throats during a panel discussion on Piers Morgan‘s show … and the former Veep candidate got branded a racist.
Ya gotta see the video … Sarah and Mehdi, a British-American journalist, start going back and forth over Donald Trump and Joe Biden when things get nasty.
Sarah calls Mehdi an “obnoxious a**” when he keeps hounding her for facts and figures about energy production under Trump and Biden … and then it gets racial.
Mehdi accuses Sarah of being a racist and says he’s got receipts to back it up … rattling off a list of nasty things she said about Barack Obama back in the day.
Sarah takes offense and denies the assertion but Mehdi keeps going … really setting Sarah off when he claimed she once referred to Black Lives Matter protesters as “dogs.”
It all went down today on the latest episode of “Piers Morgan Uncensored” … and even Piers wasn’t able to reign them in.
For her part, Sarah pushed back hard on Mehdi’s attacks … repeatedly calling him a “liar.”
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