And the internet was hilariously on Abby’s side. In the comments under multiple post on the official product account, users have stood one business as they make sure the company knows there’s a big issue.
“Kraft Mac and Concepts of Cheese,” one user wrote. Another writing, “How much is the sauce packet? I heard their sold separately now.” Another comment read; “*sauce sold separately.”
Kraft heard the message loud and clear. Abby returned to TikTok on Nov. 21 with good news. According to the viral sensation, she got a personal call from a man named Larry who is an executive at Kraft Heinz company’s corporate who made it right.
Abby noted that Larry was “very very very kind” and apologetic during their call. Larry told her that they are conducting an internal investigation, and didn’t ask her to take down any of her videos. Abby said that she told Larry that she still doesn’t want any free product, which he replied, “Don’t be upset if we send you something.”
Abby also told Larry that he should be in contact with the social media team about their best practices, as she—and TikTok users—felt gaslit by the response to her video.
In fact, Abby reiterated that she doesn’t want to stop buying Kraft Mac and Cheese as she feels her issue was resolved.
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